At the outset.. বাট চ'ৰাতে

Welcome to my world..
I am not a writer nor a poet. Just trying to narrate some of my experiences .. I am usually comfortable in writing in Assamese, my mother tongue. Have written few blogs in English and have tried my hands in composing few poems in Hindi too.. My Hindi speaking friends may excuse me for my audacity to do so..

মোৰ জগতলৈ আদৰিছো...
কোনো কবি সাহিত্যিক মই নহয়, কিছুমান অভিজ্ঞতাৰ বৰ্ণনা মাথোন কৰিছো ইয়াত.. মাতৃভাষা অসমীয়াতে লিখি ভাল পাওঁ যদিও ইংৰাজীতো লিখিছো.. হিন্দী ভাষাতো দুটামান কবিতা লিখিবলৈ চেষ্টা কৰি চাইছো....


Wednesday, 17 October 2012

The scar remains..

We are five brothers. I, with a big head and a nose of huge size was always considered to be ugly among them by one and all.  Many of our relatives used to openly comment on my ugly features, especially on the shape of my nose.  One old lady used to say that my nose was so big that three pairs of cows would go inside it, She used to call me courtyard-nosed, meaning, my nose was as flat and big as a courtyard.

I always felt humiliated and neglected. Used to feel lonely and worthless. I hated my face, was afraid to look at the mirror and always hesitated to laugh fearing that I would look even uglier if I laughed. I developed some kind of inferiority complex and always avoided meeting others. As a result, I was friendless, a loner.

Things changed after I married, became a father and started feeling wanted and adored by at least three souls of this world. My faith in God also helped me to realize that I am also one of His creations and in His eyes I am equally important and handsome.

I can now laugh openly never caring how I look while laughing.

And ironically my friends in facebook like my profile picture, a laughing me.

But when I remember my childhood, the bitter memory still disturbs me. The scar refuses to go away.
When will we learn to avoid giving weightage to beauty which is only skin deep? Probably, never.


  1. ignore the past comments.
    enjoy today's life dear makhan lal das.
    u have understood the chemistry of life..
    our people will not learn "all that glitters are not gold"... but would tease a soul with golden heart... your Maa Kamaakhya is with you always.. cherish HER company...
    Happy Navratri
    cheenu@hyderabad [now at coimbatore]

  2. Thank you very much for your lovely words.. this experience has made me more compassionate towards the disadvantaged lot..

  3. beauty lies in the eye...and is temporary!
